Thursday, February 28, 2013

Model Status

When Kurt got in from shoveling the snow one morning, he stuck his hat on Maddax while he was in his jumper-roo which, of course, ensued a photo sesh. It is far too adorable not to share.

 ^^Takin' the ol'  Jumper out for a spin^^

See any similarities?
                             Maddax                                                                      Kurt

Also, why does my son find it necessary to act like a gangster?

Speaking of my son, this is how crawling is going these days.....
.....oh wait, it's not. I'm surprised I got a picture with his head up. He usually just lays it on the floor totally defeated. But lets be honest, do I really want him to crawl and tear everything apart and grow up? No. So it's fine. Ugh I just want to eat him up. Especially in that^^^ picture.

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