Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Rules Are: 1. Link to the person that tagged you (thanks Mel) and post the rules on your blog.2. Share 7 random and/or weird fact about yourself.3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post.4. Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1. I love little kid foods. I love to snack on fruit snacks, cheddar gold fishes, macaroni and cheese, mini corndogs, uncrustables and for those of you who don't know what those are they are frozen peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches with the crust cut off of them. Let let them thaw out then eat them. They are delicious. I promise I eat healthy foods too but when I have kids i'm to have to buy double the stuff.

2. Everyday at noon, if I can, I watch the TV series Gilmore Girls. This fetish started in high school with my best friend Aubrey. We bought one of the seasons and watched it in one night. Now i'm addicted and try to watch it whenever I can. Kurt and my brother who is currently living with us, hate it cuz everyday at noon I insist that we watch Gilmore Girls. I love it! The next one will be when the Lost series comes out in January. Thanks to Robyn i'm addicted to that one too!

3.When I get out of the shower I have to put lotion on my whole body everytime! I don't like having dry skin so i have to lotion up after every shower. My favorite lotion is the johnson and johnson baby lotion but for adults it makes me smooth as a babies bottom haha.

4. Sorry to talk about showering again, but when I get into the shower I do the same thing in the same order everytime. Same as when i'm getting ready. The circumstances may vary but when i'm at my own house or my parents house Its the same thing in the same order. you could call it OCD but its what I do.

5. I have a freakishly small little toe. Its ten times smaller than all the rest of my toes so it looks freakishly abnormal. Kurt loves to point it out to random people and embarass me. Its not normal and i'm very self concious about it. If you ask me though I will show it to ya.

6. When I eat peanut M&Ms I eat the green ones last. One of my friends from drill team told me one day while we were enjoying a package of peanut M&Ms that you eat the green ones last because they taste better. So ever since i've saved the green ones for last. There's just something about the green ones! They are the best.

7. I'm a diet coke lover. My mom got me liking diet coke and now its my drink of choice besides water. She is seriously addicted like, its a problem, but she's slowly getting better. Anyways I hope not to be as bad as she is but I like it a lot. It makes me have to go to the bathroom like three times in a half hour but for some reason I still drink it.

Well I'm suppose to tag seven people but everyone i know pretty much has been tagged with this so anyone who wants to do it feel free to take it from my blog!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Ok so I know everyone is probably done looking at my blog because I haven't Posted in like three months, but Kurt and I lost the internet at our apartment so it makes things a little bit harder. So I'm sorry i've been so boring!! I will promise to do better! Everything is going good for us and we are excited for the holidays! So stay tuned.............