June started out really slow and I was very large. We were living in Manti by now and I was having so much fun spending time with my family and Kurt's parents. But I was so ready to have this baby boy. He was just getting so big. There aren't many pictures of me in my last days of being pregnant because I was just so over taking pictures.
My mom, sister, sister-in-law, and best friend threw me a shower right before my due date. The quality of this picture is terrible because it's from my phone and I don't have a cool smart phone but look at how big my belly was. I'm wearing flip flops because that is all I could wear. My feet were soooo swollen.
Okay I thought long and hard about posting the birth story and i'm sorry to say that I don't think i'm going to. I even typed it all up and here are my reasons for not posting it, a) it's kind of personal b) it was a rough labor and delivery and c) it is really long! So if you're just really dying to hear it I leave me your email in the comments and I'll send it to you.
After 12 hours of labor...
He was born June 19 at 7:30 am.
He was 8lbs. 8oz.
He is my sweet baby boy Maddax Korry Marchant.
My sister is a spaz
Hated his first bath.
His cousin Deacon. They are two months apart.
The vacuum marks. They had to try twice to get him out. That's why there are two circles on his head.
Melt my heart...