Well we are having a boy folks. And i'm pretty dang excited about it! I have to admit I honestly thought it was a girl. I really did. But it is the season of boys I guess. I know, including myself, at least seven people that are having boys. One of them is Kurt's cousin Mindy and she is having twin boys. My sister-in-law, Laney, is having a boy at the beginning of April and i'm so happy that our little guys will be best buddies. I can't wait to hear them play together and do fun boy things together. I love it.
Our baby already got his first present from grandma Soper (my mom).
Of course it's books! For those of you that don't know, my mom has been a teacher for like twenty years (or somewhere around there) and is now the principal of Manti Elementary. She couldn't help buying books for our little one.As far as cravings go I don't really crave anything. But when I have a choice I prefer:
- anything sour like Sour Patch Kids and Watermelons, Sour Straws, Sour Gummy worms, which is weird because i'm a chocolate nut and I really haven't wanted any chocolate.
-chocolate milk
-cherry popsicles
-Cafe Rio pork burritos. I had that the other day and I can't stop thinking about it :)
I know healthy right. Luckily I don't CRAVE these things and don't have to have them 24/7.
I started doing pregnancy yoga the second week in January and I seriously love it. My sister gave it to me for Christmas and I totally recommend doing it if you're pregnant. I had never done yoga before so I was a little hesitant but I've come to really like it. I had to get past the, "lift your belly sweetly" kind of sayings. I don't even know how I would do that! The instructor is really good though. She is one of the founders of a huge yoga place in New York.
photo from here and you also buy it there too.
I've read that yoga is one of the best ways to exercise when you're prego, it helps you with your endurance during labor, it helps keep you tone and flexible, it's relaxing, and this one is specifically for pregnant people so it can't harm your baby. I've done for two weeks and I already feel like I can do it with ease. It's awesome you should try it. It's for post pregnancy too. BONUS.
One last thing-- I pee all the time. And I know you're saying, "oh well that is normal for someone pregnant to pee a lot" but I kid you not I think my child is located right on my bladder. I will go at night, lay back down, and have to get up and go again five minutes later. Then repeat that like seven times! Uh it's annoying. It's all for the little guy I guess.
Well sorry to bore you about all that stuff. I promise I won't only blog about my pregnancy unless something really exciting happens. We are excited that our family is growing though :)
Congrats on a baby boy! :) How exciting! Be glad your mom gave you guys books, I cant seem to keep enough around for Addy she loves them! Hope everything else is going good for you guys and your not freezing up there! :)
Don't you dare say this post is boring! I love your pregnancy posts so keep them coming! :)
whit. i am so so excited for you to have a boy! they are so fun! i mean, i'm sure girls are, too. but boys are so fun. anyway. dane has those same books! he got them for christmas. they are cute and he loves loves them. i'm sure your baby will too :)
I was the same way! I am a chocoholic, but I have only wanted sour things since I've been pregnant. I have to pee an insane amount too. Trust me, it does not get any better.
Congrats on the boy! That's so exciting!
Congrats on the BOY!! How fun! I hope you are feeling good!
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