Easter had a more significant meaning for me this year because Kurt helped me more fully understand our Savior, Jesus Christ's, atoning sacrifice. I know that i'm 22 and your thinking, "wow I understood that in primary", but I've always felt like the atonement was too enormous to fully comprehend. On the drive to Manti Kurt and I had a heartfelt discussion about the atonement and he explained it to me in simple terms so I could understand. I am so grateful for for Kurt, and for my Savior.
Now on to the egg coloring cuz that's pretty much all we did!
We had two easter egg coloring sessions. The first was with a group of our neighbors here in Cedar. We do a game night every now and then. Since everyone is moving away we decided to have a fun night coloring eggs and playing games for the last time.
These are mine. The all pink one is sparkly!
This is Kurt's. It is sparkly also.
Then there was more egg coloring in the Soper household.

And this cute Bug decided to join/help us!
Laney had never colored eggs before. She thought we were going to paint them with actual paint! She loved it even though it doesn't look like it in this picture. :)

Of course Kurt and Austin have to be inappropriate with the eggs. That would be Austin's finger pointing in case you were wondering.

Don't mind Kurt with his eyes closed! Austin thought his egg won, but mine were so much cooler.

Hope everyone had a good Easter!
Fun Fact: On Sunday we went to church with my parents and in sacrament meeting this returned missionary said "um" 327 times. This is no joke. Kurt kept a tally. Is that mean? I'm sure he is a really nice young man who touched a lot a lives but 327? He had a box of "ums" for breakfast for sure!